Column: LeBron Could Use More Media Savvy

Today is Decision Day for LeBron James. He’ll announce what team he’ll join next season during an hour-long special on ESPN. But Phil Rosenthal of the Chicago Tribune says what James has in skills, he lacks in media savvy. He suggests that the NBA star look to ABC’s “Bachelor” franchise as an example of how to build up suspense leading to what is essentially his own rose ceremony. Rosenthal says if James was smart he would’ve engaged fans in the decision process by having them vote, employed more social media and gained a valuable database by offering updates via email and Twitter. He writes: “Whenever Michael Jordan was given a golden opportunity to score, he rarely hesitated to take it. This is something the player who hopes to become America’s Next Michael Jordan is only starting to learn.”

The Tribune says even President Obama is pulling for LeBron to come to Chicago. Some have suggested that, given Ohio’s “bellwether status” in national elections, the president might be better served publicly hoping that LeBron stays in Cleveland. To that end Press Secretary Robert Gibbs had this to say: “I’m not going to sit up here and tell you that we’re hoping that Ohio State and Florida play for the national (college) championship every year in all four major sports in order to garner the greatest number of endangered purple state electoral votes prior to 2012.”

Click here to read the Tribune’s handicapping of LeBron’s top five picks


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