Officially Photoshopped

Photoshop, it seems, is not just for image-obsessed Hollywood starlets and sketchy tabloid editors. It’s also for self-conscious heads of state and sketchy state-run newspaper editors. A reader tipped me off the a controversy that’s percolating in Egypt after the country’s largest newspaper ran a doctored photo showing President Hosni Mubarak leading a group of world leaders at this week’s White House peace summit. The original photo, taken by an Associated Press photographer, shows President Obama leading the pack.


The people at American Copy Editor’s Desk point out that while this seems like a pretty blatant breach of journalistic ethics in the West, there are different standards in other parts of the world. I get that. But to me it seems like an accepted practice, regardless of where you’re from, that a guest would follow a host around his own house.

Thanks to @ericcunningham for the tip


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